Because it is a genuine product, it fits well and looks neat.
I looked into other tank pads and eventually decided on Suzuki's genuine pads. There is no particular reason, I just heard that it is easy to attach.This is a photo attached after delivery. Because it was the right size, even someone like me was able to attach it easily.I haven't driven it yet, but I'm very satisfied.
When sticking the stone? I think it's easier to spray water, position, drain and fix with hair dryer. It is effective to prevent scratches on the Tank by Zipper and Button of Jacket etc.View Detail
바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요 바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요바이크 탱크 부분이 이뻐졌네요View Detail
한국은 겨울에는 남부지방을 제외하고는 거이 봉인합니다. 그런 탓에 카타나 외장 튜닝을 하고 싶어서 마스터 실린더 캡을 구매했습니다. 이유야 당연히 예전 부터 요시무라 제품을 좋아했기 때문입니다. 일단 장착 전이지만 퀄리티는 순정 보다 좋은 편이고, 필요한 부품들은 다 들어 있어서 금방 붙일 수 있을 거같습니다. 특히 은색 카타나에는 약간의 포인트 컬러로 붉은색도 나쁘지 않을거 같아서 구매했습니다.
In Korea, most areas are sealed in winter, except for the southern region. For that reason, I wanted to do external tuning for my katana, so I purchased a master cylinder cap. The reason is, of course, because I have liked Yoshimura products for a long time. Although it has not been installed, the quality is better than the original, and all the necessary parts are included, so I think I can install it quickly. I especially bought it because I thought red as a little accent color wouldn't be a bad idea for a silver katana.About quality and texture
About the feeling of use
Products to buy together
Difficulty of installation
Cost performance and comparison with other products
About shipping and packaging
Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing----------------------------------------------------------In Korea, most areas are sealed in winter, except for the southern region. For that reason, I wanted to do external tuning for my katana, so I purchased a master cylinder cap. The reason is, of course, because I have liked Yoshimura products for a long time. Although it has not been installed, the quality is better than the original, and all the necessary parts are included, so I think I can install it quickly. I especially bought it because I thought red as a little accent color wouldn't be a bad idea for a silver katana. In Korea, most areas are sealed in winter, except for the southern region. For that reason, I wanted to do external tuning for my katana, so I purchased a master cylinder cap. The reason is, of course, because I have liked Yoshimura products for a long time. Although it has not been installed, the quality is better than the original, and all the necessary parts are included, so I think I can install it quickly. I especially bought it because I thought red as a little accent color wouldn't be a bad idea for a silver katana.About quality and texturePowered by Google TranslatorView Detail
퀄리티도 좋고, 특히나 크기가 커서 정비 스탠드 올리는경우 불안함이 덜합니다. 그리고 포인트 컬러가 너무 튀지 않은 붉은색이라 더 마음에 듭니다.사이즈로 봐서는 카타나, 하아부사, S1000, S1000GT, R1000R 등에도 호환 되는 것으로 보이고요. (아마 크기가 비슷하다면 거진 다 호환 될겁니다.)View Detail
장착에는 볼트온이라 그냥 장착 하시면 되고, 내부 들어가는 고무가스켓은 순정 그대로 쓰시면 됩니다 (년식이 오래 되지 않는 바이크에 한해서입니다)일단 순정 파츠 보다 가볍습니다. 그리고 제일 중요한것은 멋있습니다. 순정은 일체감은 있는데 빠르다는 느낌은 없었는대, 몇가지 바꿨다고 카타나가 더 빨라진거 같습니다. View Detail
I've been riding Suzuki motorcycles for a long time, but I always rode them with Yoshimura parts.This katana also can't use the muffler due to Korean law, but I'm still going to use Yoshimura for the rest of the parts.The quality is beyond expectations.View Detail
The overall quality of the tank pad is not bad.The sesame is thick and sticks well with no problems.It would have been better if it was just made of rubber without the sticker at the bottom.Oh, of course, there are some that I couldn't put on, so it's very difficult to put the sticker on the gown.View Detail
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